Bake-Sheen® Glaze Adherent LV

Bake-Sheen® Glaze Adherent LV is a water-based emulsion of modified food starch designed to be used as an egg wash substitute, tacking agent, and shine additive for baked goods.

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Product Overview

Bake-Sheen® Glaze Adherent LV is an innovative egg wash substitute for baked goods that provides excellent shine, tack, and texture without the risk of salmonella. It is formulated with a homogenous blend of water and modified food starch. It can be applied before or after baking where shine is desired with no effect on flavor.


Appearance: Thin, opaque liquid
Color: Creamy white
Odor: Bland
Taste: Bland
Specific gravity: 1.00–1.10 @ 25°C (77°F)
pH: 3.6–4.0 @ 25°C (77°F)
Viscosity: 40–100 cP @ 25°C (77°F)

Features & Benefits

Bake-Sheen® Glaze Adherent LV is recommended for producing baked goods. It can be used as an egg wash substitute or for after-bake application.


Water-based egg wash substitute
No egg-based salmonella risk
Provides exceptional shine
No contamination risk
Can be used as a tacking agent
Light, thin texture
Kosher certified
Vegan and vegetarian suitable
Allergen free

Problems Solved

Need vegetarian or vegan egg wash substitute

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