n-Butyric Anhydride Kosher

n-Butyric Anhydride Kosher is a premium-grade chemical intermediate with a minimum purity of 98%, utilized in food production as a reactant and also employed in the beekeeping sector for honey extraction purposes.

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Product Overview

n-Butyric Anhydride is a high-purity intermediate from Eastman™, used in the production of flavors, fragrances, pharmaceuticals, and food additives. It hydrolyzes to form butyric acid, a key component in the manufacture of various consumer and industrial products.


Form: Colorless, clear liquid
APHA Color, ppm: 15 maximum, water-white
Specific gravity: 0.967 - 0.972
Vapor pressure (@ 20°C): 0.5 mm Hg
Viscosity (@ 25°C): 1.52 cP
Boiling point: 195°C (383°F)
Freezing point: -73.3°C (-99.7°F)
Fire point: 87°C (189°F)
CAS number: 106-31-0
Molecular formula: C8H14O3
Synonyms: butanoic anhydride, butyric acid anhydride, butanoic acid anhydride, butanoyl butanoate

Features & Benefits

  • Kosher Pareve certification
  • Non-GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) status
  • Plant-derived, non-animal origin
  • Effective bee repellent for efficient honey harvesting
  • Adherence to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs)
  • Meets dietary and cultural requirements with Kosher Pareve certification
  • Suitable for GMO-free applications
  • Aligns with vegan and vegetarian preferences
  • Enhances beekeeper safety and streamlines honey extraction


  • Culinary flavorings and aroma enhancers
  • Active pharmaceutical ingredients
  • Apiculture for honey harvesting

Problems Solved

  • Efficient honey removal: Effectively repels bees, making it easier and safer for beekeepers to extract honey.
  • Dietary and cultural compliance: Meets Kosher Pareve and Non-GMO requirements, catering to specific dietary needs and preferences.
  • Animal-derived ingredient avoidance: Offers a plant-derived alternative, suitable for vegan and vegetarian applications.

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