Vegalene® Lecithin Free

Vegalene® Lecithin Free is a high-quality food release spray containing a homogenous blend of canola oil and phosphate mono- and diglycerides. This lecithin-free anti-stick material is recommended for cooking processes, increasing lubrication between

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Product Overview

Vegalene® Lecithin Free is a spray release agent containing a high-quality blend of canola oil and phosphate mono- and diglycerides, recommended for use on cooking surfaces, such as utensils, bowls, pans, pots, and chafing dishes . Its anti-stick and lubricating properties aid in preventing food products from sticking, reducing unwanted buildup and excessive product waste. By creating a uniform, nonstick barrier on cooking equipment, Vegalene® Lecithin Free also helps protect surfaces from scratches and damage, extending their service life. Its lecithin-free formulation is compatible with diverse dietary needs, making it a good choice for preparing a wide range of food products.


Appearance: Opaque liquid Color: Yellow Odor: Bland Taste: Bland Specific gravity: 0.91– 0.93 @ 25° C (77°F) Smoke point: 465°F–515°F (240.6°C–268.3°C)

Features & Benefits

Oil-based food release spray A blend of canola oil and phosphate mono- and diglycerides Lecithin free Allergen free No proteins Low water content Helps prevent microbial growth Anti-stick All-purpose pan coating Easy to use High heat tolerance No gummy buildup Makes equipment last longer


Vegalene® Lecithin Free can be used in multiple applications in the food service industry. It is ideal for customers looking for a food release spray without lecithin and is recommended for use as a release oil coating for the following: Utensils Pans Pots Chafing dishes Bowls

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